I don't think of SEXCAPADE as referring to lovers, which has a less ephemeral connotation in my mind. But even as she becomes more ephemeral, her effect on her admirers becomes more profound. Their only offspring was more ephemeral and demanding in its expectations. However, the introduction of the ephemeral Barbed Coil and ring IS. This makes the entire novel different and makes the characters almost seem ephemeral at times.
They are currently interpreted as unpreserved, ephemeral hearths. Someone with more historical acumen than I could discuss here the ephemeral nature of the setting. Alluvial or colluvial formations emerge from minor valleys of small ephemeral streams that drain the interfluves of major valleys. They both have rather ephemeral relationships with young women, but even that dies out. Ephemeral Administrology serving many temporary appointments, as a substitution. Fame in the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral. Film catches a glimpse of eternity, but one loses the beauty of the ephemeral. Likewise, those that thought they were too ephemeral and effervescent, began to appreciate them. Nathan Sivin wrote that Shen's originality stands " cheek by jowl with trivial didacticism, court anecdotes, and ephemeral curiosities " that provide little insight. Cruz is an effete ephemeral Canadian Cuban American plutocrat oligarch lawyer. Like the one in a Chinese cookie, it is ephemeral. An ephemeral post encouraged, but they are monitoring. Ephemeral with a hint of lemon yogurt sauce. Other notable ephemeral rivers include the Todd River and Sandover River in Central Australia as well as the Son River, Batha River and the Trabancos River. During the wet season the valleys often contain ephemeral lakes, whose waters on evaporating leave a playa, or mud flat, often covered with an alkaline encrustation of snowy whiteness. Hopes of political unity in the region have proved ephemeral. We have ephemeral internet personalities now filling the void. Jane and Mom have an ephemeral presence, readers will forget they exist. The ephemeral Museum is the first ephemeral art museum in the world. Whatever outcome is achieved with Trump is as ephemeral as gossamer wings. The career of a ballerina is ephemeral but the value of a gemstone endures.
It will certainly make you think about how ephemeral our enterprises can be.This tournament is too tough, too unpredictable to write off a result to something as gauzy and ephemeral as fate.The support cast is solid especially ephemeral cousin Nonnie and patriarch Urey.He created an ephemeral independent state, with Subotica as its capital.weak creatures of clay, unsubstantial as shadows, wingless, ephemeral, wretched, mortal and dreamlike. "Fashion is very ephemeral, " she said.There have of course been many other visits which were either not documented or else which were presented in an ephemeral form.
Some Things That Stay is a novel that focuses mostly on all that is ephemeral about life. USE EPHEMERAL IN A SENTENCE SERIES
If you enjoy the Celestra series then you will definitely enjoy ephemeral. Sex bloggers radicalize the blogging mission through witty self-photography and ephemeral appearances. The area is characterized as a maturely dissected region where the ephemeral minor tributaries converge into the tributaries of principal streams. If myths and the surreal are appealing to you, consider marrying moon, stars and a fairy or two into a flattering design that brings out the ephemeral in all the elements. Take a chance and start with either Skyla on Paragon or Laken at ephemeral it is a truly fun ride.
Learn how to use ephemeral in a sentence and make better sentences with `ephemeral` by reading ephemeral sentence examples.